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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s bad omens theory on earthquakes, eclipses sparks fury

As millions of Americans gear up to witness the rare total solar eclipse on April 8, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks it’s a bad omen! The Georgia Republican took to X, formerly Twitter after a 4.8-magnitude earthquake struck New York and New Jersey. In the now-viral tweet, Greene somehow managed to connect the two entirely different topics- one being a celestial event and the other, a natural calamity; to claim that “God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent.”
“Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens,” the 49-year-old GOP Representative continued. From the time it was shared on the platform to the time of writing, Greene’s tweet garnered 2.9 million views. Many called her out for ignoring the scientific aspects of earthquakes and eclipses.
After drawing severe criticism for her theory, readers even added context to her tweet, “Earthquakes happen all the time, all around the world, we can follow them realtime using USGS resources.” “Eclipses are not random, they follow strict mathematical rules and can be predicted centuries before they happen. NASA has a site listing eclipses until the year 3000,” the prompt on her tweet added.
Shortly after Greene tweeted her theory about today’s earthquake and April 8’s total solar eclipse, her name started trending on the platform. Over 11K X, formerly Twitter users replied to her tweet. Social media personality, @JoJoFromJerz shared a GIF of Donald Trump along with the message, “Earthquakes and eclipses happen all the time Marge. Remind me who the president was when we were met with a once in a lifetime global pandemic.”
Democracy advocate and army combat veteran Fred Wellman wrote, “Have you repented for cheating on your husband and Brian Glenn’s wife yet? You broke up 2 families and won’t even admit you did it. Maybe you start at home before judging anyone else you liar. The funniest part is everyone in the district knew. We were told by local cable news folks and a waitress.”
